Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training



This course introduces participants to some of the elements that contribute to cultural safety when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, specifically in the health and social service space. The course aims to provide targeted and practical information for health professionals.

This is a three-part series:

Module One is a self-paced e-learning module (1hr) that explores the social determinants of health, health and mental health inequality, intergenerational and layered traumas, and the potential impact of these on health outcomes and social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Module One is expected to take approximately 60-90 minutes to complete.

Module Two is a self-paced e-learning module (2hrs) that encourages participants to consider the different elements that contribute to cultural safety (or lack of) in their specific service environments. This includes aspects of the physical environment, reflections on what is expected or accepted in the provision of care (and where these expectations come from for any one of us), and communication considerations. Participants receive practice checklists to assist in the development of their own practice. Module Two is expected to take approximately 90-120 minutes to complete.

Module Three is an interactive session, that will take place in-person (3hrs). We discuss the first two modules before further exploring Aboriginal worldviews that may contribute to the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples engage with health, mental health and human services, from the trainer’s own cultural perspective. This includes discussions about identity, perspectives on health/illness/healing, kinship and connection to Country and spirit. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and reflect on these ideas within their own service contexts.

All three components must be completed to receive a Statement of Completion. By submitting your Expression of Interest, you confirmed your commitment to complete all three modules which includes the in-person evening session on Thu, 6 November 2024 

About the training process

Step 1: Express interest. Once you register your EOI we will then contact you and enrol you into the course

Step 2: Complete e-learning. Within one month complete the two e-learning modules.

Step 3: Once your e-learning is complete, you will be invited to take a place in the face-to-face session. You cannot attend the face-to-face sessions without completing your e-learning modules. Evidence must be provided to register.


GPs, practice nurse, practice staff

Presenter Details

Eliza Pross, Director, Ochre and Salt
Mitchell Beggs Mowczan, Aboriginal Liaison Officer, WHL


