Domestic and Family Violence General Practice Training – How to improve the patient journey


The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) has funded a pilot initiative focused on improving the primary healthcare system’s response to Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV). Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network (NBMPHN), Care and Connect program is designed to support primary care to recognise the sign's and make effective referrals for patients impacted by DFSV.

From this session you will be able to:

  • Access information about the Care and Connect program
  • Recognise the signs of domestic and family violence
  • Identify barriers to disclosing domestic and family violence
  • Respond to those affected by domestic and family violence
  • Meet and learn about how a DFV Linker can support you and your patient with advice and information relating to DFV, including appropriate referral pathways available in your region.

This session will be held via Zoom. Spaces are limited. 


GPs, practice nurse, allied health professionals

Presenter Details

Penny Wood - Coordinator– Domestic Family Violence Programs, NBMPHN

Jodie - DFV Linker, Relationships Australia (Program Lead)




