Non-fatal strangulation: Supporting patients in general practice


The facilitators will share key insights from the Pathways Project and the 21 Women’s Health Centres operating throughout NSW that implemented referral pathways and protocols for responding to women who experience strangulation and/or engage in sexual choking.

All the information provided in the training comes from our evidence brief and is supported by Australian and international research, as well as advice and opinions gathered from experts working in this space.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the different context in which patients can experience strangulation and how these contexts require different health responses
  • Identify when to suspect and screen for non-fatal strangulation and sexual choking
  • Reflect on barriers that may prevent patient disclosure of strangulation and/or sexual choking
  • Identify language considerations that may help patients overcome barriers to disclosing
  • Describe the benefits of a multidisciplinary response for patients who may have sustained a brain injury from strangulation and/or sexual choking
  • Identify practical advice for patients on how to manage a brain injury caused by strangulation and/or sexual choking
  • Reflect on how health promotion messaging may differ between communities and among diverse groups


GPs, nurses and allied health professionals


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Presenter Details

Women's Health NSW

This event is hosted by Central and Eastern Sydney PHN in partnership with Hunter New England Central Coast PHN and Nepean Blue Mountains PHN.




